The other night cousin Ryan came to our house to stay all night. Allie has never had a "sleep over" but she has seen it on Little Bear and always wants to have a sleep over. When we told her Ryan was going to stay she was very excited. She loved having him over and so did Geoff. With two boys in the house and one crazy little monkey it makes the house a little crazier!! We had a great time. Ryan slept in Allie's big bed and she said she wanted to sleep with him but we gave him a kiss goodnight and she slept in her crib. In the morning, Ryan was busy shooting baskets and Allie was trying to convince him to be the fairy godmother since she was the princess. He was not biting since he is a "boy" (he was very nice but said that is for girls) so she finally gave up and said "Ok, you can be the basketball boy and I will be the princess" was very cute. We look forward to many more sleep overs with our cousins!

Als and Ry watching a little TV before bed