Since Mr. Sun has been shining we have had the girls outside more this week. Geoff took Paige and Allie for a little spin in the wagon and Paige loved it. It was her first time, and I was a little nervous but she sure did love it! I think she needs to wear a helmet but Geoff thinks I am crazy....she will be fine he tells me and gives me the look! It didn't take Paige long to figure it all out. The other night Geoff walked over to visit Grandma and Paka and when we left Paige was in the back of the wagon waving her little arm as fast as she could. She will be great in parades. Allison loves to go to the park any chance she gets and Paige now gets to go and actually play too. She usually is just in the stroller and watches, but Geoff put her in the swing and she loved it. She kicks her feet, smiles, waves and says "rah-rock" (rock, rock) the whole time. I guess she thinks she is in the rocking chair. I will take the camera next time we go. Oh happy Spring!
In support of their growing up.
2 months ago