Monday, May 23, 2011

Paige's 1st Birthday Celebration

This weekend we celebrated Paige's 1st Birthday with friends and family. It was a sunny day and we enjoyed having everyone over for a nice, low key party at the house. We celebrated a week later than her real birthday so we could have her Kindermusik teacher, Miss Sunny at the party. The kids....young and old....had fun with Miss Sunny. After the music celebration the kids played outside. Paige was not feeling her best that day...turns out she has her first ear infection..I guess a lot of "firsts" happen this year. She was in good spirits and had fun at her party. By the time it was "cake" time she was not too in to it, so we saved the cake for later. She is still not feeling her best, so we might have to do a cake tasting at some other time. We had a good day and are lucky to have our sweet girl. Many more fun memories ahead with our "baby" girl.

** Warning....lots of pictures :o) and not one of Geoff and I with :o(

The set up....

The Birthday Girl

Grandma Rhonda & Paige

Pa & Paige

Paka & Grandma Ganne

Miss Sunny

Cake time....


  1. What a great celebration! Wish we could have made it! Happy Birthday Paige!

  2. Thanks Liss! We missed you but totally understand. We have to get together soon! Can't wait for school to be out!!!!!
