I have not forgotten about blogging....the last couple of weeks have just been crazy. It was back to school this week for me (boo) and last week we had a sick baby girl. Allie had a cough and didn't seem to feel so great last weekend so we took her to urgent care. When the doc walked in the room she said "she is not doing so well" I agreed...she could tell from her breathing right when she walked in the room. Thank goodness Allie is a talker because this is what made me take her in. Her breathing was just not right. Allie was a trooper, we had to wait an hour to see the doc, then she had to have a chest x-ray, and was diagnosed with pneumonia. The doctor thought she might have to be admitted to the hospital since her oxygen level was so low while doing the breathing treatments in the office. Instead she sent us over to ER to make sure she was ok and stable enough to go home. So 4 breathing treatments later, and a bout of "yucky" medicine she was ok to go home and did not have to be admitted to the hospital....thank goodness......lots of sick people there! At home Allie has been doing breathing treatments (like a dragon with her scary mask), taking antibiotics and we only had a few days of "yucky" medicine. Allie could not keep it down so the doc thought it would just be best to stop that one and keep going with the amoxicillan and breathing treatments. Today she is doing awesome. Still a little cough but the doc said that could hang around for while as she is getting better. I hope we can escape the flu season!
In support of their growing up.
4 months ago
Poor little Allie!! I am glad to hear that she is doing better though!! Scary.