I don't share videos very often because I am not very patient and don't like waiting for them to download, but these were too cute to pass up.
The one of Allie was right when she first started taking tap class. We ordered new shoes before one of our Oregon trips and when we came home they were waiting for us! She was so happy to try them on and they "worked". Sorry about the camera skills but I was trying to get it all in!
Paige loves to talk and talk and talk...this video is a bit long but I was able to get a few good shots of her teeth while she was talking. I still can't believe she had two teeth before she was three months old. Hope you enjoy the girls in action!
In support of their growing up.
3 months ago
OMGosh Jen! I was literally laughing out loud; loved "fast feet Freddy!" And I loved hearing baby Paige talk too. She definitely has some toofers, huh?! As soon as I get settled with school, we'll have to make a date!