Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Nike Women's Marathon-SF Weekend

Last weekend the fam headed to San Francisco so I could participate in the Nike Women's Half Marathon (NWM). I ran/walked my first half marathon in April see this post and thought I would never do another one again. Well I kinda got the itch when my friend Jenn Eathorne asked if I would be interested in running the NWM in October. I thought I would have plenty of time to train and recover, so I said sure why not. Well it is a random lottery and there are 22, 500 runners so I can't even imagine how many enter the lottery. We did not get selected and thought we would have to try again the next year. Well my other friend works for Nike and somehow worked her magic and I got in. Jenn of course, was not as lucky and so I was going to do it with my neighbor. Then my neighbor had knee surgery and couldn't run it so I asked if Jenn could take her was not as easy as I am making it seem, but it worked out and Jenn was in. She only had a weeks notice and would not be able to train much at all, but she was a trooper and said "I will do it for sure!" Training shmaining right! We all went to Walnut Creek and stayed in a hotel so we could be close to the city the morning of the race. Geoff's parents came too, and they were our chauffeurs the morning of the race. Geoff and Burke stayed at the hotel with the kids and Rob and Georgeanne took Jenn and me into the city at o'dark thirty in the morning. The race started at 7:00 and I have never seen so many women in my life. It was a beautiful day in the city and we got to see lots of neighborhoods and sites I have never seen. There was lots of entertainment along the way and they were a good distraction from all of the HILLS! I don't know if I could ever train for the hills, but we made it and it was a great experience. At the end of the race we were greeted by firemen in tuxedos holding silver platters full of Tiffany's boxes with our finisher necklaces! It was a great accomplishment and I am thankful for Jenn jumping in with no notice. It would not have been the same without her!! Hope we get to participate next year!!

We had lunch at The Rain Forest Cafe with the Eathorne Family at Fisherman's Wharf. We had big plans for more to do, but didn't fit it all in. We still had fun!

Then had a low key night of swimming and a pizza party at the hotel with the whole gang. It was an early night so the mamas could run in the morning

Ready to run

Yes...there were a lot of people ready to go bright and early!!

Almost go time...Jenn had no idea what she was in for!!!

Jenn and I picked Bad Ass...just cause

This mile was know you are close but still have a mile to go...a few choice words might have been heard at this marker...but we made it!

Thanks Mr. Fireman

Part of the "sisterhood"

**I didn't have my camera the whole time so these are pictures from Grandma Ganne, Jenn & FB**

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